Mickey & Becky Skinner
Mickey and Becky started Lakeside Christian Fellowship in 1988 where they continue to serve as Senior Pastors today. It is their personalities that set the casual atmosphere that you will experience at one of our services. And while it is a casual atmosphere, they are very serious about God's word and its transformational power. You can expect to hear a message that is practical, relevant, and encouraging. They have two daughters, Stephanie and Bethany, who serve the church in a number of ways. Mickey and Becky are natives to the Abbeville area and are huge fans of Alabama football.

BETHany Skinner
Worship LEADER
Bethany is the youngest daughter of Mickey and Becky. She has been serving as the worship leader at Lakeside for the past 13 years. Bethany also serves with our student ministry as a youth leader, is a leader of our "Kingdom Kids", and heavily involved in our Vacation Bible School program. She has a heart to see people connect with God and His Word. Beth has a special gift to be able to connect songs to the congregation.

Brooks & Sheri Barnes
Youth Pastors
Brooks and Sheri have been serving the students at Lakeside for the past 15 years. They have a desire for young people to connect with God and know who they are in Christ. They have 4 children. Brooks is a graduate of Auburn University (War Eagle) and Sheri is a graduate of UAB (Go Blazers).